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Slip and fall accidents happen for many reasons. People sometimes end up on the ground because they lose their balance, slip on a wet surface or trip over an obstacle. Not all slip and fall accidents cause injuries, but it’s possible to sustain very serious injuries from this type of accident and not even realize you’ve been hurt, especially if you hit your head or neck.
If you’ve sustained an injury in a slip and fall accident, you need expert medical care from injury experts in the New York and New Jersey areas to look you over and provide important fall injury treatment. At Neuro Injury Specialists, fall injury treatment is provided by expert brain specialists. Dr. Dmitriy Dvoskin specializes in physical medicine, rehabilitation and pain management, while Dr. Leon Reyfman specializes in anesthesiology and pain management.
A minor fall may lead to injuries that aren’t very serious, such as bumps and bruises.
Trips, slips and falls can sometimes lead to much more serious injuries such as:
An injury to the head or neck can cause TBIs like concussions or lead to chronic headaches. If your back is injured and a disc slips out of place, it may lead to sciatica, radiculopath or other types of nerve pain.
Age is sometimes a factor in falls — as many as one out of four adults over the age of 65 experience a fall each year.
There are also some conditions that increase the risk of a slip and fall injury, such as:
Hazards around the home or in public places also increase the risk of falling.
Examples of hazards to watch out for include:
Older people who experience a fall often become fearful of falling again. This may cause them to become less active, which can lead to decreased muscle tone. As muscles become weaker, the likelihood of falling increases.
A TBI is one of the most serious injuries caused by a fall. Traumatic brain injuries range from mild to severe and the severity of an injury isn’t always obvious right away.
Whenever the head has been bumped or jolted, symptoms of a TBI to watch for include:
A severe TBI can cause slurred speech, profound confusion, seizures and coma. If there’s been an injury to the head or spinal cord, prompt and accurate diagnosis from a knowledgeable and experienced neurologist is vital.
The treatment you need after a slip and fall accident depends on the type of injury you’ve experienced as well as the severity of your injury. Pain from minor falls may respond to over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or naproxen.
Fall injury treatment may include:
Your NY or NJ physician does different types of diagnostic testing to learn more about the extent of the injury. If a head injury causes bleeding in the brain, surgery may be required to stop the bleeding. Depression or signs of post-traumatic stress disorder can be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy. Severe head injuries may require other types of rehabilitation such as speech therapy or vocational counseling.
Even if a fall seems to be minor, it’s important to watch for worsening symptoms. Injuries from any type of trauma such as a fall, blunt force trauma, a work accident or sports injury can lead to long-term pain and health challenges.
After a trauma, get evaluated by an expert in the field of neurology and pain management. Drs. Reyfman and Dvoskin have extensive experience in evaluating and treating injuries caused by slip and fall accidents and other types of traumas. Contact Neuro Injury Specialists, where you can count on compassionate care and the most up-to-date treatment options from these doctors and the rest of the healthcare team.