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Chronic Headache Treatment Specialists in Brooklyn, NYC & NJ

The best treatment for chronic headaches begins with a thorough evaluation from a NYC and NJ chronic headache specialist. Call the experts at Neuro Injury Specialists to learn which chronic headache treatments are best suited for your individual diagnosis. Don’t let persistent, regular pain keep you from enjoying your life when treatment for chronic headaches is so close in New York and New Jersey.

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    What Are Chronic Headaches?

    Chronic Headache Treatment Specialist in Brooklyn NYCChronic headaches are severe, throbbing headaches  that persist for 15 or more days in a month and continue for a minimum of three months. During these painful episodic sessions, you’re unable to continue your normal activities. In America, it’s estimated that nearly 39 million people battle some form of chronic headache, which can serve as an umbrella term for both primary headaches  andsecondary headaches.

    Diagnostic testing  plays a crucial part in assessing the root causes  and designing the best treatment for chronic headaches specifically for you. At Neuro Injury Specialists,  your chronic headache specialist, Dr. Mark Cohen, Dr. Dmitriy Dvoskin digs deep into your medical history to fully understand if the pain stems from an injury  or concussion,  edema  or constant neck pain.

    Who’s at Risk for Chronic Headaches?

    Women have a higher risk factor that’s five to nine percent more compared to men. It’s often due to menstrual migraines, hormonal changes and psychological problems like depression and anxiety.

    White men have a higher prevalence. If you regularly take pain medication, there’s a possibility you may develop a chronic condition called medication overuse headaches. Boys as young as seven and girls just starting puberty are susceptible to migraines  and other headache types,  such as cluster headaches.

    People with PTSD  often need chronic headache specialists for migraine treatments.

    Additionally, your lifestyle could be putting you at risk for chronic headaches such as if you:

    • Are overweight
    • Have a sleeping disorder like sleep apnea
    • Drink too much caffeine or alcohol
    • Routinely skip meals
    • Are affected by changes in the weather
    Chronic Headache Treatment Specialists in Brooklyn, NYC & NJ

    What Symptoms Require Chronic Headache Treatment?

    Diagnosing your headache based on the symptoms is a complex process, which is why it’s vital you turn to a chronic headache specialist for relief. For example, underlying causes like contusions  from a  can develop into nerve pain, and define your headaches.

    Common symptoms and conditions  that need treatment for chronic headaches include:

    • Chronic migraines. Depending on the migraine stages, you may feel moderate to severe throbbing, pulsating pain on one or both sides of the brain along with nausea and vomiting.
    • Chronic tension-type headaches. The pressing or tightening pain is mild to moderate and affects both sides of the brain.
    • Hemicrania continua. This headache pain often manifests as a physical condition like redness of the eye or runny nose and affects only one side of the head. The pain is torturous as it’s daily and continuous, alternating between moderate and severe.

    Your headache may also be trigged by other conditions, such as:


    What’s the Best Treatment for Chronic Headaches?

    In the New York City and New Jersey area, chronic headache treatment is easily available and may include pharmacological intervention,  various types of nerve block  and Botox.

    The goal of chronic headache treatments is to diminish the pain you’re suffering. Once the pain is under control, then the focus shifts to reducing the frequency of attacks.

    Treatments for chronic headache could include an amalgamation of treatments  such as:

    Studies also show that mental health affects brain patterns. If your triggers are stress, anxiety and tension, a cognitive behavioral program with neurofeedback  offers immense help. Through cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), you learn relaxation strategies to relieve stress and tension.

    Are Chronic Headaches Preventable?

    While you may not be able to escape chronic headaches completely, there are ways that help you ease the painful sessions. Eating regularly, getting seven to eight hours of sleep and exercising are the first lines of defense your chronic headache specialist recommends. You should also reduce your intake of caffeine and alcohol.

    To help you achieve the life you deserve, contact Neuro Injury Specialists for a consultation  to begin your individualized treatment for chronic headaches and learn various lifestyle changes that could result in fewer, less intense headaches.