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Botox for Migraines in Brooklyn, NYC & NJ

While Botox has a reputation as a cosmetic treatment for wrinkles and small facial lines, Botox for migraine headaches has fast become one of the most common treatments for this debilitating neurological condition. It’s safe and effective when offered by an experienced headache doctor. Find that level of expertise at Neuro Injury Specialists. Call the NYC-based doctor for migraine relief today.

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    What Is Botox Treatment for Migraine Headaches?

    Botox for Migraines in BrooklynBotox is an FDA-approved treatment that can prevent migraine attacks and reduce their severity. It’s a naturally occurring toxin that’s been adopted for medical purposes. This treatment works by injecting a neurotoxin to disrupt pain transmission mechanisms in the brain. It’s an effective treatment when administered in a professional medical setting.

    Dr. Dmitriy Dvoskin and Dr. Leon Reyfman of Neuro Injury Specialists  in New York and New Jersey have helped thousands of people with chronic migraine and other pain conditions. These pain specialists use advanced treatments to treat migraines and other neurological disorders.

    What Type of Headaches can Botox Neurotoxin Treat?

    Botox has been shown to be effective for different types of headaches including chronic migraines because it’s a neurotoxin. This means it interferes with the way the nervous system passes pain signals. This neurotoxin can cause a serious illness called botulism if ingested in large amounts. But it becomes therapeutic when applied in small doses, usually by injection.

    Botox neurotoxin is a prescription medication that’s approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of headaches in adults.

    The headache-related pain disorders it can treat include:

    • Migraine headache. A migraine is a moderate to severe headache felt as throbbing pain on one or both sides of the head, sometimes with nausea, light and sound sensitivity or dizziness. They’re considered chronic when happening 15 or more days per month.
    • Tension-type headache. A tension headache feels like tight banding pain without throbbing. They often result from muscle tension or stress.
    • Cluster headache. These headaches cause severe one-sided pain with nasal and eye symptoms. They occur in batches over weeks or months.
    • Chronic daily headache. This refers to when you’re experiencing 15+ headache days a month for three or more months, with any headache type.
    Botox for Migraines in Brooklyn, NYC & NJ

    How Does Botox for Migraine Headaches Work?

    Botox disrupts the way pain is communicated to the brain. One of the factors that causes migraines is the activity of the trigeminal nerve, which carries sensory information from the head and face to the brain. When the trigeminal nerve is stimulated or irritated by various factors such as stress, hormones, weather, food or medications, it releases neuropeptides. These chemicals cause inflammation and dilation of the blood vessels in the head and face resulting in migraine headaches.

    Botox blocks the release of these neuropeptides from the trigeminal nerve. It also acts as a nerve block, inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters that transmit pain signals to the brain. This reduces the perception of pain and discomfort during a migraine attack.

    Botox can also treat other types of headaches and pain disorders such as for:

    • Tension headaches by relaxing the muscles that tense up and cause pain in the forehead, temples, neck and shoulders
    • Cluster headaches, as it reduces the frequency and intensity of the severe pain that occurs in cycles around one eye or temple
    • Chronic daily headaches because it breaks the cycle of headache pain
    • Trigeminal neuralgia, wherein Botox injections paralyze the trigeminal nerve activity that causes painful facial muscle spasms and sensations
    • Occipital Neuralgia, as Botox temporarily blocks neurotransmitter signals to the occipital nerves, reducing hyperexcitability of these nerves that cause chronic head and neck pain

    What Can I Expect During a Botox for Migraine Treatment?

    You can expect a quick and simple procedure that can be done in a medical office. It involves injecting small doses of neurotoxin into specific muscles or nerves to block the pain signals that cause migraines. The procedure usually takes less than 20 minutes, and you can resume your normal activities right after the session.

    The effects of Botox for migraine headaches can last for three to six months, depending on your condition and how your body responds to the treatment. To maintain the results, you may need to repeat the treatment periodically.

    During the treatment, you pain management specialist:

    • Starts with a consultation to identify your migraine triggers as an adjunct to the medical treatment
    • Maps the injection points
    • Numbs the skin with a topical cream or ice to reduce discomfort
    • Injects the Botox into specific muscles or points mapped out

    Why Should I Opt for Botox Migraine Treatments?

    If you’ve tried other treatments without success, Botox is worth trying. This treatment can improve your sleep quality, energy level and mental health. It also reduces the number of migraine attacks by disrupting how migraine triggers work.

    For people looking for varied approaches to migraine relief, this treatment is a strong alternative.

    Botox migraine treatments have several advantages, including the fact that they’re:

    • Safe and effective for long-term use. Botox has a good safety profile and minimal side effects and doesn’t interact with other medications or supplements you may be taking for your pain.
    • Quick and simple. Botox is a nonsurgical option that can be done in a medical office in a few minutes without the need for anesthesia or recovery time.
    • There’s no need for repeated treatments within a short period and no risk of forgetting to use it like with conventional drugs.

    Neuro Injury Specialists in New York and New Jersey offer a solution for migraines and other headaches using Botox and other advanced treatments. Contact them today to set up an appointment with Dr. Dmitriy Dvoskin or Dr. Leon Reyfman and get the relief you seek.