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Migraine Causes

It’s difficult to come up with a migraine cure when so little is known about migraine causes. What is widely known, however, is that severe migraine headaches are caused by various triggers that differ from person to person. You need a personalized diagnosis and treatment plan designed for your lifestyle and type of migraine. To get that in New York and New Jersey, call Dr. Mark Cohen today at Neuro Injury Specialists.

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    Do Doctors Know What Causes Migraines?

    Causes of MigrainesThis type of headache can be debilitating and unfortunately, migraine causes aren’t fully understood. Migraine headaches are characterized by severe throbbing pain and they can last for a few hours or for as long as 72 hours. Doctors believe migraines are caused by abnormal changes in brain chemicals leading to the release of inflammatory substances that affect the blood vessels and nerves in the head.

    There are over 150 types of headaches, and headaches affect nearly fifty percent of adults. Headaches may be classified as primary or secondary, as well as other headache types. For the quickest possible headache relief in NYC and NJ, there’s no better choice than Dr. Mark Cohen of Neuro Injury Specialists.

    What Is a Migraine?

    Many people call any intense headache a migraine, but a migraine is a particular kind of headache.

    Things that distinguish a migraine headache from other types include:

    • Pain is pounding, pulsating or throbbing
    • Usually occurring on just one side of the head
    • Often accompanied by nausea and vomiting
    • May happen with sensitivity to light
    • Typically comes with blurred vision, fatigue and food cravings

    Tension headaches, cluster headaches and allergy headaches can all be very painful. Rebound headaches,also known as medication overuse headaches, are caused by taking medication such as aspirin or acetaminophen too often. Migraines are a neurological condition that involves brain chemicals and nerve pathways. The intensity of migraines often makes them more disabling than other types of headaches.

    Common Migraine Triggers

    Who Gets Migraines?

    It’s not always easy to predict who may get migraines. A combination of genetics and environmental factors are among possible migraine causes. Migraine headaches affect more than 12 percent of Americans.

    People who suffer from these crippling headaches include:

    • In adults, women are more likely to suffer with migraines than men, but men do have migraines. Symptoms usually begin at puberty and often peak in your thirties.
    • Children can have migraines, and when they do, they usually have a lot of stomach-related symptoms.

    Migraines may be lifelong. People who have migraines often have a family member that also has migraines. Those who are affected may have migraines daily, weekly or only once or twice a year.

    What Are Some Triggers for Migraines?

    Through extensive interviews and diagnostic testing, your doctor works with you to determine what triggers occur to cause your migraines.

    Common migraine triggers that may be at work for you include:

    • Hormonal changes. Chronic migraines, which happen 15 days a month or more, are often related to hormonal changes in women. Migraines can be related to estrogen fluctuations that occur during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause. Hormones don’t seem to be a factor for men who have migraines.
    • Many people struggle with having too much to do in too little time or face financial challenges or other overwhelming situations. Excitement, worry and anxiety dilate blood vessels and increase muscle tension, which can lead to a migraine.
    • Loud noises. Some migraine sufferers are triggered by loud sounds such as construction noises, fireworks or concerts.
    • Strong odors such as perfume, cigarette smoke and cleaning products can trigger or worsen migraine attacks. Smoking may worsen your condition.
    • Swings in barometric pressure, storm fronts, increases in humidity and changes in altitude may contribute to migraine headaches.
    • Bright or flashing lights. Severe headaches can be triggered or worsened by fluorescent lights, bright sunlight and flickering or flashing lights.
    • Lack of sleep. Not getting enough sleep or having sleep disturbed because of sleep disorders such as sleep apnea can trigger migraines. Too much sleep may also set off headaches.
    • Food sensitivity. In some people, migraines are triggered by certain foods such as cheese, chocolate and foods containing monosodium glutamate. Skipping meals sometimes sets off migraines.

    Too much caffeine or alcohol can also trigger migraines, and stopping caffeine abruptly can cause headaches. Some medications including birth control may trigger migraines. Since there are so many possible migraines causes and triggers, if you suffer from migraines, keep a journal where you describe your symptoms, when they started, how long they lasted and what may have triggered your headaches.

    Why Choose Neuro Injury Specialists for Relief from Migraine Headaches?

    Migraine headaches can be disabling and seriously interfere with your quality of life. Choosing the most skilled doctor in the field of neurology to have diagnostic testing is the best way to confirm if you have migraine headaches or a different type of headache and to find out about the most up-to-date treatment options.

    The doctor you choose should be board certified in their specialty. Dr. Cohen of Neuro Injury Specialists is highly experienced in neurology and pain management. Contact him at Neuro Injury Specialists, where you also find a dedicated, compassionate team committed to providing exceptional care to anyone who suffers from headaches, nerve pain or traumatic injuries.