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Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) differs from other psychological therapies because it’s been scientifically proven to work. This treatment is based on the tenet that psychological issues stem — at least in part — from impractical thoughts and behaviors, and a person can improve by learning new and helpful ways to think and act.
This is done by various cognitive therapy methods, including:
CBT concerns itself with what’s happening now. Although a bit of personal history is needed, it plays only a small part. Aside from the thought processes, changing behaviors is the other part of the puzzle. This can be done by facing fears instead of running away or by learning ways of calming your mind and body when you’re agitated.
For the best results, you need to work with experienced cognitive psychologists with proven track records treating all types of neurosis and mental disorders with:
In the NY and NJ area, the doctors at Neuro Injury Specialists provide CBT and a host of other neurological services, including cognitive behavioral therapy online.
CBT has its origins in what was known as behaviorism. This is based on the theory that all behavior is learned and therefore, can be unlearned. A new behavior is then learned to produce a better living situation.
Cognitive behavior therapy can be used to alleviate symptoms of:
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a combination of cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy. It deals with current conditions, more so than past actions. The idea is that eventually you will be a fully functioning, happy member of society and be able to wean off the therapy.
At Neuro Injury Specialists, doctors also offer a range of complementary treatments, such as:
Cognitive remediation therapy (CRT) is a method of therapy intended to teach thinking skills.
It’s a therapy designed to improve cognitive abilities and social involvement and has been particularly effective in treating:
Typically, this involves a set of physical tasks that aim to improve certain skills, such as attention or memory. Again, the therapy is based on getting you back into the game of life. It helps you learn new life skills to be socially and psychologically balanced.
Trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) is a type of therapy that involves a child and parent, provided the parent is not the abuser.
It uses cognitive behavior philosophy to assist in treating:
More recently, TF-CBT has been used to treat even more types of traumas, to include accidents and natural disasters — just about anything that deals with great loss. In trauma focused cognitive behavior therapy, you’re taught coping skills like relaxation exercises, identification of feelings and innovative ways to work through your feelings.
The length of time it takes for cognitive behavioral therapy to work depends on many factors. The most important is finding a therapist that’s the right fit for you. It’s essential that you and your doctor have a relationship built on trust, and that may take some time.
In most instances, individual therapy takes place once a week for about an hour. Other times, you may need group therapy.
Cognitive behavioral therapy online is also an option, particularly if you:
Most mild or moderate symptoms of many ailments can be alleviated in a few sessions, but more serious conditions may take a year or more. To get the best cognitive behavioral therapy online or in-person from experienced cognitive behavioral therapists, contact Neuro Injury Specialists. They guide you in your process, providing the right level of therapy to suit your needs. The best neurologists and associates of Neuro Injury Specialists get to the root of your problem and find the right course of action for you.