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Coup-Contrecoup Brain Injury Treatment Doctors in Brooklyn, NYC & NJ

A coup injury is defined as one that happens to one side of your head, while a coup-contrecoup occurs on both sides. This type of brain injury is serious, requiring exceptional coup contrecoup injury treatment from experienced physicians. Find the best coup-contrecoup brain injury treatment in the NY and NJ area at Neuro Injury Specialists. Call today for an immediate evaluation so that you can begin recovery therapy as soon as possible.

Table of contents

    What Is a Coup-Contrecoup Brain Injury?

    Coup-Contrecoup Brain Injury Treatment Doctors in Brooklyn, NYC & NJA coup-contrecoup brain injury happens when the head is hit by a strong force and the brain slams against the skull causing injury on both sides. This can cause various symptoms and complications, such as headaches, memory problems, mood changes, seizures, vision problems, weakness, cognitive impairment, depression, chronic pain and increased risk of dementia.

    The expert physicians at Neuro Injury Specialists  provide you with a comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis and coup-contrecoup brain injury treatment plan. Dr. Mark Cohen, Dr. Dmitriy Dvoskin and Dr, Leon Reyfman serve New York and New Jersey with the latest medical facilities to handle coup-contrecoup brain injuries and other complex traumatic brain injuries. They offer an effective coup contrecoup injury treatment plan to restore your health fully.

    What Are the Signs of a Coup-Contrecoup Brain Injury?

    Coup-Contrecoup Brain InjuryThe symptoms of a coup-contrecoup injury vary, depending on which areas of the brain are injured. A headache is one of the most common symptoms of most types of traumatic brain injuries. It may be mild to severe, and it may worsen over time.

    A coup-contrecoup injury may affect the vestibular system, which is responsible for maintaining balance and orientation. This may cause dizziness, vertigo and nausea, as well as difficulty walking or standing. This injury may cause a loss of consciousness, which can last from a few seconds to a few hours. This indicates a serious brain injury that requires immediate medical attention.

    Other signs and symptoms include:

    • Memory problems that disrupt short-term or long-term recall and learning
    • Mood changes like irritability, anxiety and depression that alter emotional regulation
    • Seizures stemming from damaged electrical brain activity
    • Vision issues such as blurred or double vision
    • Speech problems including slurred or slowed speech
    • Weakness or numbness in the limbs or face, affecting movement

    What Are the Long-Term Complications of a Coup-Contrecoup Brain Injury?

    A coup-contrecoup injury can have serious and lasting effects on the brain. It can affect the ability to think, reason, learn, remember and solve problems. This may impair the executive functions, such as planning, organizing, decision making and self-control. Cognitive impairment may also affect your attention, concentration, processing speed, and mental flexibility.

    A coup-contrecoup injury can alter your personality, mood and behavior. This may cause mood swings, irritability, anger, aggression, impulsivity or apathy. Behavioral and emotional changes affect your social skills, empathy and communication.

    Other long-term effects may include:

    • Depression and anxiety that persistently undermine mental health
    • Chronic pain that interferes with daily functioning and sleep
    • Sleep disorders that disrupt sleep quality and daytime alertness
    • Increased dementia and Alzheimer’s disease risk later in life

    What Coup-Contrecoup Brain Injury Treatment Is Available?

    The treatment of a coup-contrecoup injury depends on the severity and location of the injury, as well as the symptoms and complications you experience. Medications may be prescribed to prevent or treat infection, inflammation or seizures that may result from a coup-contrecoup injury. They are also used to manage pain, depression or anxiety that may affect your recovery.

    Surgery may be necessary to stop bleeding, reduce pressure or remove damaged tissue from the brain. It’s also used to repair skull fractures or implant devices to monitor brain activity or pressure. Rehabilitation is a crucial part of coup contrecoup injury treatment, as it helps restore physical, mental and emotional functions.

    Rehabilitation may include various types of therapies, such as:

    • Physical therapy. This therapy helps you improve your strength, balance, coordination and mobility. Physical therapy may also involve the use of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), which is a device that delivers mild electrical pulses to the skin to reduce pain.
    • Cognitive retraining. Cognitive retraining helps improve memory, attention, concentration, processing speed and problem-solving skills. Cognitive retraining may also involve the use of compensatory strategies, such as calendars, notes or reminders, to cope with cognitive impairments.
    • Psychotherapy helps you cope with the emotional and behavioral changes that may result from a coup-contrecoup injury. Psychotherapy may also involve the use of antidepressants or antianxiety medications, if needed. Psychotherapy also helps you deal with the stress, grief or trauma that affect your recovery.
    • Speech therapy. This therapy helps you improve your speech, language and impaired communication skills. Speech therapy may also help you with swallowing or eating difficulties that sometimes result from a coup-contrecoup injury.
    • Occupational therapy. Occupational therapy helps regain the ability to perform daily activities and tasks, such as dressing, grooming, cooking and working. Occupational therapy may also help you adapt to the environment or use assistive devices, such as a cane, a wheelchair or a computer.

    A coup-contrecoup injury is a serious and complex type of traumatic brain injury that can affect your brain, body and life in many ways. It can have long-term life-changing consequences with drastic effects on the quality of life. But there are effective coup-contrecoup brain injury treatment options available.

    If you or a loved one has suffered a coup-contrecoup injury, contact Neuro Injury Specialists. They are leading experts in neurology, pain management, physical medicine and rehabilitation in New York and New Jersey. They offer proper diagnosis and treatment plans for your coup-contrecoup injuries to get the timely interventions needed.