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Diffuse axonal injury (DAI), often referred to as a closed head injury, develops when the brain moves rapidly inside the skull due to a sudden impact or force, resulting in a traumatic brain injury (TBI). This shift causes the long nerve fibers, called axons, to stretch and tear, disrupting the communication and function of different brain regions. DAI causes severe symptoms, such as loss of consciousness, coma, cognitive impairment, behavioral changes and even death.
Treatment for diffuse axonal injury requires experience and expertise from talented specialists who understand the complexity and severity of this condition. The doctors of Neuro Injury Specialists in NY and NJ are board-certified physicians with extensive experience and training in neurology, pain management, and physical medicine and rehabilitation. Dr. Mark Cohen, Dr. Dmitriy Dvoskin and Dr. Leon Reyfman provide the best diagnosis, effective diffuse axonal brain injury treatment and recovery options, using the latest techniques and technologies.
The signs of diffuse axonal injury vary depending on the severity of the damage to the brain. These signs may not appear immediately after the head injury, but may develop gradually over hours, days or weeks. These signs also appear for other types of traumatic brain injury so it’s best to see a neurologist for proper diagnostic tests and firm treatment plan.
One of the most apparent signs is physical changes, such as weakness, numbness, spasticity or paralysis of limbs. The loss of consciousness for more than six hours is a sign that the condition is life threatening because it may lead to coma or persistent vegetative state.
Other signs include:
DAI has devastating consequences if left untreated, sometimes leading to death. These complications lower your well-being in the long-term. They also affect the way of life for your family and caregivers.
Early diagnosis and treatment improve the chances of recovery and reduce the severity of the damage. Otherwise, there are irreversible and fatal consequences like brain death, which means you have no brain activity and can’t breathe or maintain blood pressure without life support.
Other complications include:
There is no specific treatment for diffuse axonal injury. But there are some interventions that reduce the complications and improve recovery. The current treatments and therapies for DAI are aimed at minimizing the damage, maximizing the recovery and optimizing your outcomes.
The best diffuse axonal injury treatment plan is individualized and multidisciplinary, involving a team of medical and rehabilitation professionals who work together with you and your family and caregivers.
The approach for diffuse axonal injury treatment includes:
Diffuse axonal injury is a serious brain injury that causes severe symptoms and complications. It causes irreversible brain damage, a vegetative state and death. It requires prompt diagnosis and treatment from experts who provide the best care and recovery options.
Neuro Injury Specialists in New Jersey and New York offer the best diagnosis and treatment for diffuse axonal injury using the latest medical technologies. They help manage the symptoms and improve your quality of life after DAI, using a multidisciplinary and holistic approach. Don’t wait any longer. Contact Neuro Injury Specialists today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Cohen, Dr. Dvoskin or Dr. Reyfman.