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    Arthritis can range from being mildly annoying to severely debilitating. And you may even pass through both of these stages in a single day. When other arthritis forms of treatment haven’t provided the relief you need, call the experts at Neuro Injury Specialists in New York City and New Jersey to try the latest innovation in pain treatment. Called transcranial magnetic stimulation or TMS, it’s a non-invasive form of treatment that aims magnetic stimulation to specific areas of your brain to retrain how it processes the pain signals. There are no drugs involved, and you can return to your normal activities after each session. Don’t live with arthritis pain any longer than you have to. Call for a consultation today.

    Can TMS Therapy Help Arthritis?

    Arthritis is characterized by joint pain, swelling, stiffness and decreased range of motion. It’s a very common condition and as many as one out of five adults in the U.S. lives with arthritis. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a form of treatment that uses magnetic pulses to stimulate certain parts of your brain. The process has primarily been used to treat depression, OCD and migraines, but it’s beginning to see widespread use for pain and other brain-related conditions.
    Pain can be anywhere in your body, but it’s your brain that triggers the experience of pain. TMS is used to treat arthritis, chronic pain and other painful conditions by altering neural networks and reducing the perception of pain. The experienced doctors at Neuro Injury Specialists provide professional TMS therapy in NYC and NJ and they have the expertise needed to diagnose and treat a variety of painful conditions, such as headaches, nerve pain and many types of injuries.

    Who Gets Arthritis and Why?

    Joint damage can happen for many different reasons. It can affect people of any age, but most often affects people over the age of 50. Men and women develop arthritis as part of the aging process. In older people, joints naturally wear down from wear and tear over time.

    Other possible causes of arthritis include:

    • Injury
    • Viral infections
    • Autoimmune disease
    • Family history

    Your risk of developing arthritis increases if you’re obese, since carrying excess weight puts a strain on joints. A sedentary lifestyle also increases the risk of developing some type of arthritis. Athletes who experience repeated injuries to the same joint or people who repeatedly bend or squat at work are at an increased risk of developing arthritis in a particular joint. Sometimes arthritis develops with no clear cause, which is called idiopathic arthritis.

    What Are the Main Symptoms of Arthritis?

    There are more than 100 types of arthritis. Symptoms of arthritis may come and go or joints may feel painful and stiff all the time. Pain can range from mild to severe.

    Some symptoms you may experience include:

    • Pain in one or more joints
    • Difficulty moving one or more joints
    • Redness and warmth
    • Stiffness
    • Swelling and inflammation

    You may experience tenderness or sensitivity to touch around one or more joints. The skin around the affected joint or joints may be discolored. Arthritis can be extremely painful, and chronic pain can make it difficult to do everyday tasks.
    There are many other conditions that may trigger symptoms like arthritis. To diagnose arthritis and rule out conditions with similar symptoms, your NYC neurologist may run bloodwork, check the joint’s range of motion and order imaging tests.

    How Is TMS for Arthritis Performed?

    TMS is a safe and non-invasive form of treatment that’s done on an outpatient basis. When it’s implemented to treat arthritis, back pain, neuralgia or neuropathy, magnetic fields are used to change the electrical activity in the brain to reduce the experience of pain.

    Things to expect from TMS treatment include:

    1. Before the procedure, you remove anything metal such as jewelry or glasses with metal frames.
    2. You’re seated comfortably and are given earplugs.
    3. The TMS device has one or two coils and is placed against your head.
    4. Magnetic impulses are delivered with some pauses between pulses.
    5. You’re awake throughout the procedure.
    6. You may feel light tapping on your head, but you shouldn’t feel pain.
    7. Your treatment usually lasts 30 to 60 minutes.

    You shouldn’t undergo TMS if you have a seizure disorder or if you have an electronic implant or an implant with magnetic metal such as a cochlear implant. TMS therapy is typically done five times a week for four to six weeks. Your NYC doctor lets you know if you’re a good candidate for TMS and if so, how many treatments would be best for you.

    How Does TMS for Arthritis Compare to Other Arthritis Treatments?

    Treatment for arthritis focuses on pain reduction and restoring joint function. TMS has few side effects compared to prescription pain medication and any side effects that you do experience usually pass quickly. Since no sedative is used, there’s no down time and you can go home right after the procedure.

    Side effects that you may experience include:

    • Dizziness
    • Headaches
    • Tingling
    • Drowsiness
    • Scalp discomfort where the coils were placed

    Results from TMS vary, and in some people this form of treatment can be very effective in reducing pain levels when other approaches to treatment have failed. Reduced pain levels can lead to an improved ability to function.
    Arthritis causes joints to become more damaged over time, so it’s important to obtain an accurate diagnosis for any condition that causes pain. If you have severe joint pain, stiffness that’s getting worse or any other symptoms that concern you, contact Neuro Injury Specialists right away for an accurate diagnosis and the most effective treatment plan possible.