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Neuropathy Treatment for Legs and Feet in Brooklyn, NYC & NJ

If you have unchecked diabetes, you need to have a doctor for neuropathy in feet on speed dial. The best doctor for neuropathy in feet is at Neuro Injury Specialists, which serves people in the NY and NJ area. Neuropathy in legs and feet can be debilitating, but you don’t have to suffer. Peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) and spinal cord stimulation have become the best treatments for neuropathy in feet. At the first sign of tingling or shooting pain in your feet, call the experts in neuropathy treatment for feet.

Table of contents

    How Does Neuropathy in Feet Start?

    Neuropathy Treatment for Legs in BrooklynMost cases of neuropathy in feet start with a tingling or burning sensation, pain or numbness. Nerve damage in your legs and feet is a form of peripheral neuropathy, and may develop slowly. The peripheral nervous system encompasses all the nerves in your body that are outside the brain and spinal cord. There are many nerves in your legs and feet, and neuropathy may affect a single nerve or a group of nerves.

    Neuropathy in the legs and feet can be very painful and even disabling. The latest treatments include spinal cord stimulation and peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS). These modalities modernized the treatment of neuropathy and nerve damage.

    When nerves have been damaged, visit a knowledgeable and experienced neurologist for treatment for neuropathy in legs and feet. In New York City and New Jersey, the best doctor for neuropathy in feet and other types of nerve pain is Dr. Mark Cohen or Dr. Dmitriy Dvoskin at Neuro Injury Specialists.

    What Causes Neuropathy in Feet and Legs?

    Neuropathy in feet and legs has many possible causes. Diabetic neuropathy that’s caused by uncontrolled type 2 diabetes is the most common form of peripheral neuropathy that affects the feet and legs.

    Other causes include:

    • Autoimmune disorders such as Guillan Barre syndrome, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis
    • Injuries from a trauma such as an auto accident, a fall or a sports injury.
    • Medications such as those used to treat cancer
    • Exposure to toxic substances such as lead and mercury
    • Alcohol use disorder
    • Problems with circulation
    • Tumors, which may be cancerous or non-cancerous
    • Infections such as shingles, Lyme disease, HIV or hepatitis B or C
    • Hansen disease, better known as leprosy

    Repetitive motions that are required for some jobs can be damaging to nerves. Nutritional deficiencies, particularly deficiencies in vitamins B1, B6 and B12 can damage nerves and cause neuropathy in feet and legs. When the cause of neuropathy can’t be identified, it’s call idiopathic peripheral neuropathy.

    Neuropathy Treatment for Legs and Feet in Brooklyn, NYC & NJ

    What Are the Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy?

    Nerve connections from the feet to the brain are needed to allow the legs, feet and other parts of your lower body to move and function correctly.

    When nerves in the feet and legs are damaged, you may experience symptoms such as:

    • Numbness
    • Tingling
    • Pain, which may have a sharp, jabbing or burning sensation
    • Muscle twitching
    • Sensitivity to touch
    • Feet getting very cold or hot

    As nerves deteriorate, your legs or feet may become weak, which can lead to loss of coordination. This can cause you to easily losing your balance and fall. The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy resemble other conditions, which is why you want to have a specialized doctor for neuropathy in feet. To find out if you have peripheral neuropathy, your NYC neurologist may run diagnostic tests such as an electromyography or nerve conduction studies.

    What Are My Options for Neuropathy Treatment for Feet?

    In most cases, peripheral neuropathy can’t be cured. Treatment for neuropathy in feet and legs aims to relieve discomfort and prevent your symptoms from worsening. If your neuropathy is caused by an underlying condition such as diabetes, your doctor works with you to bring it under control.

    Options for neuropathy feet treatment may include:

    • Spinal cord stimulation or peripheral nerve stimulation. These treatments effectively relieve your painful symptoms.
    • A variety of medications may be used for pain relief starting with over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as naproxen or ibuprofen. Pharmacological intervention may include medications such as anti-depressants or anti-seizure medication, which are designed to relieve nerve pain. Lidocaine cream or patches may also relieve symptoms. Your doctor may prescribe medication to treat any underlying conditions you have, such as diabetes or autoimmune conditions.
    • Physical therapy. Working with a physical therapist is beneficial if you have muscle weakness or problems with balance. The exercises that you’re taught are designed to improve posture, strength and coordination.
    • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This is a form of psychotherapy that helps you change your awareness of pain and develop better coping skills.
    • Orthopedic devices. Assistive devices such as braces and orthopedic shoes may reduce discomfort. Compression socks provide compression and support to the feet.
    • In some cases, surgery may be recommended if neuropathy is caused by pressure on a nerve. It can also be done to remove nerves that are malfunctioning or damaged, which provides permanent neuropathy foot pain relief.

    Peripheral nerve stimulation is a new treatment for neuropathy in feet. It works like spinal cord stimulation, in which a device known as a neurostimulator is implanted in an outpatient surgical procedure. This device works by sending low-level electrical impulses that block the sensation of pain from reaching the brain. Peripheral nerve stimulators send electrical impulses to peripheral nerves, which are outside the spinal cord.

    Can Neuropathy in Feet Be Prevented?

    There are some things you can do that help you prevent neuropathy and other health problems. Healthy lifestyle choices may help you avoid the need for neuropathy foot pain relief.

    These include:

    • Getting regular exercise
    • Making healthy food choices
    • Correcting vitamin deficiencies
    • Avoiding toxins like cigarette smoke
    • Avoiding excessive alcohol intake

    If you have health conditions such as diabetes, work closely with your doctor to keep your condition under control. This may help prevent neuropathy or delay its onset. Diabetics should be especially careful to check your feet daily to make sure there are no blisters or sores.

    When Do I Need a Doctor for Neuropathy Feet Treatment?

    Signs of nerve damage in the feet and legs shouldn’t be ignored. Weakness caused by neuropathy can lead to falls and areas of the feet that lack sensation can have burns or injuries without your awareness. If you’ve been diagnosed with neuropathy and your symptoms suddenly worsen or if you have sores or injuries to your feet, get in touch with your doctor.

    If you experience unusual numbness, tingling or pain in your feet, legs or hands, you need an experienced doctor for neuropathy in feet. Contact Neuro Injury Specialists in New York and New Jersey to learn more about treatments for neuropathy in feet, legs, arms or hands.

    This team of neurologists also offer exceptional treatments for other neurological conditions, such as: