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Tibial Nerve Pain Treatment in Brooklyn, NYC & NJ

You may take so many parts of your body for granted until you begin to feel pain. That’s never truer than when you begin to have tibial nerve pain in one of your legs. Without effective tibial nerve damage treatment, simple tingling sensations in your feet and legs can lead to ulcers and eventual disabilities. Peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) and spinal cord stimulation are the latest and most effective tibial nerve pain treatments. For the best tibial nerve entrapment treatment in the New York and New Jersey area, call the experts at Neuro Injury Specialists.

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    What Is the Tibial Nerve?

    Tibial Nerve Pain Treatment in Brooklyn NYCThe tibial nerve is one of the main nerves in your lower legs, providing both motor and sensory function to the muscles and skin on the back of the leg and the sole of the foot. Problems with the tibial nerve can cause nerve pain, numbness, tingling, weakness and loss of movement in the affected area. If left untreated, tibial nerve problems can lead to chronic pain, disability and permanent nerve damage.

    Neuro Injury Specialists in New York and New Jersey have a team specializing in tibial nerve pain treatment. The most effective treatments today include peripheral nerve stimulation and spinal cord stimulation. These therapies have revolutionized the treatment of neuropathy and nerve damage.

    Neurologist Dr. Mark Cohen, evaluates your nerve function before prescribing medications, injections, neurostimulation or nerve blocks to relieve your pain. Dr. Dmitriy Dvoskin is a rehabilitation specialist who designs a personalized rehabilitation program to restore your strength, flexibility and function. Together, they help you overcome tibial nerve problems and get back to your normal activities.

    What Injuries and Diseases Affect the Tibial Nerve?

    Tibial Nerve Pain Treatment in Brooklyn, NYC & NJThe tibial nerve can be injured or affected by various causes that impair its function and structure.

    The symptoms vary from mild to disabling, and can include pain, numbness, tingling, weakness or impaired walking and foot placement.

    Tibial nerve problems can also lead to complications, such as chronic pain, foot deformities, ulcers, infections or permanent nerve damage.

    Some of the injuries and diseases that can affect the tibial nerve include:

    • Traumatic injury. Severe trauma or ankle sprains and fractures can damage or compress the tibial nerve.
    • Compression injury. External or internal pressure on the tibial nerve from tight shoes, casts, bandages, cysts, tumors, varicose veins or inflammation within the tarsal tunnel can lead to the need for tibial nerve damage treatment.
    • Diabetic neuropathy, a type of nerve damage, affects the feet and legs.
    • This can cause hypothyroid neuropathy that also affects the feet and legs.
    • Rheumatoid arthritis. This can lead to nerve compression neuropathy, inflammation or vasculitis, which then affects the tibial nerve and causes tarsal tunnel syndrome or other types of foot neuropathies.

    What Symptoms Require Tibial Nerve Damage Treatment?

    Symptoms of tibial nerve injuries or disease usually manifest as problems with mobility and movement. Tibial nerve problems cause various symptoms that affect the lower leg and foot. Some of these symptoms might be accompanied by pain.

    The pain can range from mild to severe, and described as sharp, shooting, burning, throbbing or aching. It can be localized to a specific area, such as the heel, ankle or sole of the foot, or radiate along the nerve pathway, such as the back of the leg or the bottom of the foot.

    Other symptoms might include:

    • This usually affects the skin or the muscles of the lower leg and foot, causing a loss of sensation or a feeling of pins and needles. The numbness can be partial or complete and affect one or both sides of the body.
    • Sensations of prickling, tickling or crawling on the skin or the muscles of the lower leg and foot are common first signals that the nerve may be damaged. It can be intermittent or constant and vary in intensity.
    • This affects the muscles of the lower leg and foot, causing difficulty or inability to move them. The weakness can also cause foot drop, which is a condition where the foot hangs down and drags when walking.

    In addition, the most valuable tools in diagnosing tibial nerve damage are nerve conduction velocity testing (NCV) and the electromyography (EMG) test. Correctly diagnosing your condition is the necessary first step toward effective treatment.

    What Are Tibial Nerve Entrapment Treatments?

    At Neuro Injury Specialists, you can access advanced tibial nerve pain treatment. Dr. Cohen and Dr. Dvoskin evaluate your condition relying on the latest diagnostic testing. They recommend the best treatment option for you and monitor your progress.

    The treatment options for tibial nerve problems depend on the cause, severity and duration of the problem. Some of the possible treatment options include:

    • Spinal cord stimulation and peripheral nerve stimulation. These methodologies are often the most effective pain-relieving treatments for tibial nerve pain.
    • Medications. This includes over-the-counter pain relievers, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or prescription medications to reduce pain and
    • Physical therapy. This is recommended to strengthen the muscles, improve the range of motion and restore the function of the lower leg and foot. It may include exercises, stretches, massage, electrical stimulation or ultrasound therapy to stimulate the nerve and improve blood flow.
    • Orthotics or braces. The purpose of these devices is to correct the foot alignment, support the arch and relieve the pressure on the nerve. They also prevent foot deformities, such as flat feet, that can contribute to tibial nerve problems.
    • This includes steroid injections, nerve blocks or Botox to reduce inflammation, pain and muscle spasms around the nerve.
    • This is an effective tibial nerve entrapment treatment if the conservative treatments fail to provide relief or if the nerve is severely damaged or compressed. Surgery can involve decompressing the nerve, repairing the nerve or transferring the nerve to a different location.

    Neuro Injury Specialists offers a variety of tibial nerve damage treatment options using the latest techniques and technology. Contact them today and schedule an appointment.